Let's Make Disciples 

Know, Share, and Live Out the Gospel

Disciple Makers Church is founded on a passion for intentional discipleship fulfilling the Great Commission. As a church, we desire to move beyond culture and tradition toward a multiplying model that fosters disciple-making that can be reproduced not just throughout Texoma, but in other rural communities around the world.

Our church has a flexible leadership model with co-vocational pastors and lay elders, focused on multiplication and planting healthy gospel communities grounded in Scripture and reliant on the Holy Spirit.

We value and honor our brothers and sisters who worship in the more cultural norm, and we are thankful for their partnership to help us make disciples first in Texoma, then around the world.


What Are Community Hubs?

Community Hubs are modern-day examples of how the early church met people where they were, much like Paul teaching in the marketplace (Acts 17:17) or Lydia opening her home for ministry (Acts 16:14-15). These are neutral, welcoming spaces—such as businesses, coffee shops, or non-profits—where Disciple Makers Church hosts scheduled discipleship classes and outreach events.

Inspired by the biblical model, Community Hubs serve as places where believers can deepen their faith and where the unchurched can encounter the gospel in a comfortable and accessible environment.

We are strategically seeking to establish Community Hubs in Sherman and Denison, Texas, as well as Calera, Durant, Caddo, Atoka, and McAlester, Oklahoma. By partnering with local businesses and organizations, these hubs become spaces where discipleship classes, such as the Let’s Run Together curriculum, can equip individuals to live out their faith and share it with others.


What Are Gospel Communities?

Gospel Communities are central to Disciple Makers Church, reflecting the biblical model of believers gathering in homes to grow in faith and live on mission (Acts 2:46-47). These multi-generational groups meet weekly to pray through and study Scripture, building deep connections as a spiritual family.

Inspired by the early church, each Gospel Community partners with a local mission organization to live out the gospel through acts of service and love. Just as Jesus sent His disciples to serve and proclaim the good news (Luke 10:1-2), these groups actively engage their neighborhoods, meeting tangible needs and sharing Christ’s love.

Gospel Communities are families on mission, united by faith and love for Christ, showcasing their identity as His disciples. As Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).

Worship Gatherings

While Gospel Communities meet regularly in homes, the entire church will come together quarterly for Fifth Sunday Worship Gatherings. These celebrations are moments of joy and reflection, uniting all Gospel Communities for an evangelical message, corporate singing, and celebrations of baptism. 

While we do not currently have traditional worship services, we are open to restructuring as resources come available.


Baptism is a public declaration of faith and a beautiful step of obedience to Jesus Christ. At Disciple Makers Church, we plan to celebrate baptisms on 5th Sundays together as a church body. Our church members who have discipled someone have the freedom to baptize their brother or sister in faith.

Church Plant Timeline

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” -Proverbs 16:9

December 2024

Nathan is pursuing a calling to plant Disciple Makers Church.  

Seeking prayer partners for the journey. Focus on physical, mental, and spiritual health. 

Set metrics and objectives for readiness, including:  

     - Passing a physical examination.  

     - Completing personal counseling.  

     - Seeking coaching from church planting networks.

June 2025

Move to Durant, Oklahoma  

Begin building relationships within the community and establishing strategic partnerships.

September 2025

 Launch Discipleship Classes

Offer discipleship training at community hubs to equip individuals in knowing, sharing, and living out the gospel.

January 2026  

Start Gospel Communities

Begin small groups meeting in homes focused on fellowship, prayer, mission projects, and evangelism.

March 29th, 2026

Host A Preview Worship Service

Begin gathering the church body for preview services as a step toward the full launch.

November 29th 2026

Grand Opening

Officially launch Disciple Makers Church with a focus on the Great Commission and healthy church growth.

Church Leadership

"Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.” -1 Peter 5:2-3

Disciple Makers Church is seeking to launch with a plurality of biblically qualified co-vocational or lay elders. If you would like to explore a calling to join us, please let us know.

Founding Pastor
Nathan Peterson

My Life Before Christ

Before I knew Christ, my life was defined by brokenness, sin, and a constant search for identity. I was consumed by feelings of worthlessness, bitterness, and anger. I sought validation in accomplishments, approval from others, and self-reliance, but nothing could fill the emptiness inside me. Sin’s grip on my life led me into rebellion, pride, and a desire to control my own path. Even though I was surrounded by church as a child, I didn’t know the gospel or understand the depth of my need for a Savior.

I tried to cover my pain by striving to be more, to do more, and to gain recognition, but the harder I tried, the emptier I became. My heart was hardened by disappointment, resentment, and shame. I lived in fear of rejection and failure, and my sin only deepened the divide between me and God.

How I Came to Know Christ

At my lowest point, God intervened. Through the gospel, I saw for the first time that my sin was not just the result of broken circumstances but the rebellion of my heart against a holy God. I realized that my worth wasn’t tied to my achievements or failures but was secured through Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life I couldn’t live, died the death I deserved, and rose again to offer me new life.

At a summer camp in 7th grade, I surrendered my life to Christ. It was the first time I truly understood grace—that I couldn’t earn salvation and didn’t deserve it, yet God freely gave it. I confessed my sin and placed my faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. That moment marked the beginning of a transformation that only God could accomplish.

My Life After Christ

After coming to Christ, my life changed in profound ways, but the battle with sin didn’t end. God began to expose the idols I had built—pride, self-reliance, and the pursuit of control—and He replaced them with His truth. He taught me to find my identity not in what I could achieve but in who He is. His Word became a lamp to my feet, guiding me to live in obedience and humility.

Even in my doubts and failures, God’s grace sustained me. When I struggled to believe His promises, He reminded me of His faithfulness. Through seasons of pride, He humbled me. Through moments of despair, He showed me the sufficiency of His love. When I was tempted to make education, ministry, or recognition an idol, He called me back to the cross and reminded me that His work is enough.

Today, I live with a deep awareness of my sin and an even greater awareness of God’s mercy. His grace has broken the chains of shame and self-reliance that once held me captive. He continues to sanctify me, revealing areas where I need to repent and trust Him more. My purpose is to glorify Him, to live in obedience, and to proclaim the gospel to others so that they too may experience His transforming power.

Spiritual Leadership

The church is led by a group of elders who provide spiritual oversight, leadership, and vision.


  • Teaching and shepherding the congregation.
  • Making spiritual, financial, and operational decisions for the church.
  • Ensuring alignment with biblical principles and the church’s mission.

Composition: A mix of lay (unpaid) and co-vocational elders to bring diverse perspectives and shared responsibilities.

Qualifications: Elders must meet the biblical qualifications outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.

Servant Leadership

Deacons serve by calling and gifting, focusing on practical ministry needs and team leadership.


  • Leading ministry teams and mission areas.
  • Supporting Gospel Communities and service projects.

Term: Deacons serve two-year terms to ensure rotation and fresh perspectives.

Qualifications: Deacons must meet the biblical standards outlined in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

Lay Leaders
Support Leadership

Lay leaders support specific ministries within the church, such as children, youth, and facilities, ensuring the church functions smoothly.


  • Coordinating volunteers and resources for their assigned ministry areas.
  • Collaborating with deacons and elders to fulfill the church’s mission.


We do not have professional staff members to lead areas of ministry, we equip church members to serve in areas that they are gifted. 

Church Stewardship

"Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce.”

-Proverbs 3:9

We need your support

We’re excited to launch Disciple Makers Church, and we need your help to make it happen! To reach Phase One, we’re raising $81,201—equivalent to 25 households giving monthly.

Phase One Budget Outline for Disciple Makers Church

Total Needed: $81,201

This budget is based on an estimated 25 households contributing monthly, reflecting the foundational expenses required to launch Disciple Makers Church in June 2025.

Expense Categories

Pastor and Support Staff (35%) - $28,420

  • Salary and resources for our founding Pastor
  • Administrative support to oversee church operations and outreach.

Ministries (38%) - $30,856

  • Gospel Communities: Discipleship materials, mission partners, and fellowship events.
  • Children’s and Youth Ministries: Resources for engaging young believers and families.
  • Discipleship and Outreach: Training and equipping members for evangelism.

Missions and Administration (27%) - $21,924

  • Missions: Partnering with local mission organizations and funding Gospel Communities to reach underserved areas.
  • Administrative Costs: Supplies, technology, and operational expenses to support mission-focused initiatives.

Key Notes

  1. Fifth Sunday Offerings: 100% of Fifth Sunday receipts will be dedicated to training and sending out new pastors to plant Gospel Communities in new regions as they're called equipped and sent. 
  2. Missional Focus: Every dollar invested supports the church’s mission of making disciples, planting Gospel Communities, and reaching the unchurched. Our pastors have a modest, public salary and we do not have the overhead of a building or facilities.  
  3. Flexible Growth: As giving grows, the budget will scale to support expanded ministries, leadership development, and global outreach.

Budget Foundation

At Disciple Makers Church, we invite every household to prayerfully consider tithing. Your generosity directly supports our mission to know, share, and live out the gospel while making disciples who make disciples.

The budget for Disciple Makers Church is built on the average household income for Durant, Oklahoma, as reported in the 2024 U.S. Census. This ensures our financial planning reflects the community's economic realities. The budget adjusts based on the number of tithing households within the church, creating a flexible and scalable approach to ministry funding.

What is a Tithe?

  • A tithe is a biblical practice where believers give 10% of their income back to God. The word "tithe" literally means "tenth," symbolizing a portion dedicated to the Lord.
  • It is an act of worship, trust, and obedience to God’s provision.

Malachi 3:10 (ESV):
“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.”

Proverbs 3:9 (ESV):
“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce.”

Why is Tithing Important?

Worship and Obedience

  • Tithing is an act of acknowledging God’s provision and placing Him first in all areas of life.

Trusting God’s Provision

  • It demonstrates faith in God’s ability to meet your needs, even as you give a portion back to Him.

Supporting the Church’s Mission

  • Tithes fund ministries, staff, Gospel Communities, facilities, and outreach efforts, enabling the church to fulfill the Great Commission.

Community Impact

  • Contributions ensure the church can serve its members and the broader community, creating opportunities for discipleship and evangelism.

Example for Tithers:

  • If a household earns $68,346 annually (Durant's average income), a tithe would be $6,835 per year or about $570 per month. These contributions enable the church to operate effectively, support ministries, and make a lasting spiritual impact.

Church Budget

48 Weeks of Giving: The budget assumes giving over 48 weeks, with 5th Sunday collections dedicated 100% entirely to future church planting efforts through our local mission partnerships.

Flexible Allocations: Additional income beyond the projected budget will be allocated by the elder board and finance team.

Ministry Focus: Priority is given to funding Gospel Communities, discipleship initiatives, and outreach projects over payroll or building expenses. 

25 Households Contributing

Total Projected Annual Income: $81,201 (based on 48 weeks of giving with an average household income of $68,346)

Expense Categories

Church Staff (35%): $28,420

  • Provides salary and benefits for our founding pastor and support staff as needed.

Ministries (38%): $30,856

Includes funding for:

  • Gospel Communities (allocated based on group size).
  • Children’s and youth ministries.
  • Discipleship and fellowship activities.

Missions and Administration (27%): $21,924

  • Covers costs for modest, flexible spaces (rented or owned) for worship, office use, and community events.
  • Includes software, supplies, and general operational expenses.
  • Mission partners and church networks

50 Households Contributing

Total Projected Annual Income:

$162,402 (based on 48 weeks of giving with an average household income of $68,346)

Expense Categories

Church Staff (35%): $56,841

  • Provides salary and benefits for a Pastor and staff focused on spiritual leadership, preaching, and discipleship.

Ministries (38%): $61,713

Includes funding for:

  • Gospel Communities (allocated based on group size).
  • Children’s and youth ministries.
  • Discipleship and fellowship activities.

Missions and Administration (27%): $43,848

  • Covers costs for modest, flexible spaces (rented or owned) for worship, office use, and community events.
  • Includes software, supplies, and general operational expenses.
  • Mission partners and church networks

75 Households Contributing

Total Projected Annual Income:

$243,603 (based on 48 weeks of giving with an average household income of $68,346)

Expense Categories

Church Staff (35%): $85,261

  • Provides salary and benefits for a Regional Pastor, and to send out a new pastor to oversee a new region of gospel communities along with support staff. 

Ministries (38%): $92,569

Includes funding for:

  • Gospel Communities (allocated based on group size).
  • Children’s and youth ministries.
  • Discipleship and fellowship activities.

Missions and Administration (27%): $65,773

  • Covers costs for modest, flexible spaces (rented or owned) for worship, office use, and community events.
  • Includes software, supplies, and general operational expenses.
  • Mission partners and church networks